Mold Removal, Abatement & Remediation Serving Northern & Central Virginia

Mold Resources
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): (800) 480-2520; www.fema.gov Flood information - www.fema.gov/hazard/flood/index.shtml
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Emergency Preparedness and Response page on "Protect Yourself from Mold" - www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/mold/protect.asp and Key Facts About Hurricane Recovery -www.bt.cdc.gov/hurricanes/index.asp
University of Minnesota, Department of Environmental Health and Safety - www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq.htm Flood Information - www.dehs.umn.edu/iaq_fi.htm
EPA's publication, Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals, assists health professionals (especially the primary care physician) in diagnosis of patient symptoms that could be related to an indoor air pollution problem. It addresses the health problems that may be caused by contaminants encountered daily in the home and office. Organized according to pollutant or pollutant groups such as environmental tobacco smoke, VOCs, biological pollutants, and sick building syndrome, this booklet lists key signs and symptoms from exposure to these pollutants, provides a diagnostic checklist and quick reference summary, and includes suggestions for remedial action. Also includes references for information contained in each section. This booklet was developed by the American Lung Association, the American Medical Association, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the EPA. EPA Document Reference Number 402-R-94-007, 1994.
Mold growth may be a problem after flooding. EPA's Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup: Avoiding Indoor Air Quality Problems - discusses steps to take when cleaning and repairing a home after flooding. Excess moisture in the home is cause for concern about indoor air quality primarily because it provides breeding conditions for microorganisms. This fact sheet provides tips to avoid creating indoor air quality problems during cleanup. U.S. EPA, EPA Document Number 402-F-93-005, August 1993.
Allergic Reactions - excerpted from Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals section on: Animal Dander, Molds, Dust Mites, Other Biologicals.
"A major concern associated with exposure to biological pollutants is allergic reactions, which range from rhinitis, nasal congestion, conjunctival inflammation, and urticaria to asthma. Notable triggers for these diseases are allergens derived from house dust mites; other arthropods, including cockroaches; pets (cats, dogs, birds, rodents); molds; and protein-containing furnishings, including feathers, kapok, etc. In occupational settings, more unusual allergens (e.g., bacterial enzymes, algae) have caused asthma epidemics. Probably most proteins of non-human origin can cause asthma in a subset of any appropriately exposed population."
Asthma and Mold
Molds can trigger asthma episodes in sensitive individuals with asthma. People with asthma should avoid contact with or exposure to molds.
EPA's Asthma web site
Additional Resources:
Allergy & Asthma Network/Mothers of Asthmatics (AAN/MA): (800) 878-4403; www.aanma.org American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI):www.aaaai.org American Lung Association: 1-800-LUNG-USA (1-800-586-4872); www.lungusa.org Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America: (800) 7ASTHMA;www.aafa.org Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation "Fighting Mold - The Homeowner's Guide" .mhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/maho/yohoyohe/momo/momo_005.cfm National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: www.niaid.nih.gov National Jewish Medical and Research Center: (800) 222-LUNG (5864); www.njc.org
Damp Buildings and Health
For information on damp buildings and health effects, see the 2004 Institute of Medicine Report, Damp Indoor Spaces and Health, published by The National Academies Press in Washington, DC. You can read a description of the report and purchase a copy at http://fermat.nap.edu/catalog/11011.htm
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC's) National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) has a toll-free telephone number for information and FAXs, including a list of publications: NCEH Health Line 1-888-232-6789.
CDC's "Molds in the Environment" Factsheet - www.cdc.gov/mold/faqs.htm Stachybotrys or Stachybotrys atra (chartarum) and health effects -www.cdc.gov/mold/stachy.htm
Additional Resource
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service fact sheet - Safe Food Handling- Molds on Foods: Are They Dangerous?www.fsis.usda.gov/FactSheets/Molds_On_Food/index.asp September 2005
How to Order Publications
You can order Indoor Air Quality publications from EPA's National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP):
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 45242-0419
Website: www.epa.gov/nscep
Phone: 1-800-490-9198
Fax: (301) 604-3408
E-mail: nscep@bps-lmit.com
NSCEP operates a Toll-free phone service for EPA Publication Assistance with live customer service representative assistance Monday through Friday from 9:00am-5:30pm eastern time. Voice Mail is available after operating hours. You can fax or e-mail your publication requests. For technical assistance with NSCEP web pages, write to: nscep_nepis.tech@epa.gov
Please use the EPA Document Number, which is usually bolded or highlighted, when ordering from NSCEP.